В деревне Избино под Минском хозяева дома решили не ограничиваться одной гирляндой и создали настоящий праздник света. Теперь видео их участка набрало 1,8 миллиона просмотров в TikTok.Читать далее
The text article highlights a house in the Belarusian village of Izbino, decorated with an elaborate display of lights that has gone viral on TikTok.
The key concept is the extraordinary festive spirit demonstrated by the homeowners, who have created a dazzling light display that is visible from space (hence the title). The article celebrates this display as a testament to the house being the "most Christmas-like" in the country.
The text article highlights a house in the Belarusian village of Izbino, decorated with an elaborate display of lights that has gone viral on TikTok. The key concept is the extraordinary festive spirit demonstrated by the homeowners, who have created a dazzling light display that is visible from space (hence the title). The article celebrates this display as a testament to the house being the "most Christmas-like" in the country.